Checkout and Payments

5 simple ways to improve your checkout

In a recent blog post we revealed that the average cart abandonment rate stands at 70%. With the cost of acquiring new customers rising, it’s vital that your checkout journey is as seamless as possible. And here’s how…

Tips for a Better Checkout experience

  1. Ditch the Distractions: Get rid of unnecessary stuff like newsletter signups and social media icons on the checkout page. Keep it clean and focused.

If you need (or want) to ask for additional information this can be done post-purchase so that you don’t distract the user in the purchase flow. 

2. Cut Down on Form Fields: The fewer form fields, the better. Make it quick and easy for customers to complete their purchase.

Research from Baymard Institute shows that the best checkout flows have between 12-14 form elements (or even fewer, if possible). Unfortunately, the average checkout flow has a bulky 23.48 form elements. No wonder people are abandoning their carts!

To minimise checkout abandonments, it’s more effective to focus on reducing the number of form fields rather than just optimising the number of steps in the checkout process.

Keep in mind that while the number of form fields significantly affects the usability of the checkout, other factors like error recovery, unnecessary required fields, and understanding order fulfilment options also play a crucial role, independent of the number of checkout steps.

3. Highlight the CTA: Your checkout button should be the star of the show. Make it big, bold, and easy to find. And on a mobile (you guessed it!) make it sticky! 

4. Easy Editing: Let customers edit their cart without having to start all over again. This can prevent frustration and reduce abandonment.

5. Offer More Payment Options

One common reason for cart abandonment is the lack of preferred payment options. Our research shows that 10% of customers bail out because they can’t find their preferred way to pay. To keep customers sticky, your options need to extend beyond just credit cards in to PayPal, Apple Pay and GooglePay – which are now considered ‘must have’ for shoppers. By Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment methods – such as Klarna or Clear Pay – are also proven to add value for customers, particularly when price points are higher.

Local payment methods are also a key consideration, so if you’re expanding your UK or US business out in to other territories don’t just assume your existing payment methods will suffice.

GENE Commerce: The checkout experts. 

When it comes to checkout success and the world of online payments, our experience does the talking. If you’re struggling to understand your customer behaviour, or effectively prioritise your roadmap – we can help. 

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